A. Krutetsky, etc.); short-term (due to the course of mental states in certain situations.

A. Kandybovich, LV Kondrashova, OM Koropetskaya, LE Orban, OI Meshko, etc.); search for readiness criteria and development on their basis of a psychological model of a professional (EM Ivanova, ES Chugunova, etc.) – research of indicators of moral readiness (IM Goyan, OV Ivashchenko, TV Ivanova, etc.).

In a number of studies, readiness comes in two forms:

long-term (determines typical forms of behavior due to mental formations of the personal level) (LP Bueva, AO Derkach, IS Kon, AA Isayev, VA Krutetsky, etc.); short-term (due to the course of mental states in certain situations. MI Dyachenko and LA Kandybovich readiness for a particular type of activity is defined as a purposeful manifestation of personality.

They consider this phenomenon from two positions: a mental state (temporary, or situational readiness) and as the characteristic of the person (long-term or general).

Temporary readiness is actualization, adaptation of all forces, creation of psychological opportunities for successful actions at the moment.

Long-term readiness is the acquired attitudes, knowledge, skills, abilities, experience, qualities and motives of activity. The unity and interdependence of these types of readiness is that the effectiveness of long-term readiness is determined by its functional edge – temporary readiness. The emergence of temporary readiness as a state is determined by long-term readiness and may include its elements. (FD Gorbov, MD Levitov, LS Nersesyan, VN Pushkin, etc.).

MI Dyachenko and LA Kandybovich argue that in the process of work are manifested as stable personal characteristics of man (beliefs, attitudes, character traits, etc.), and situational mental states associated with the labor process (observation, concentration, satisfaction, etc. ).

The state of readiness is “adjustment” activation and tampering of possibilities of the person for successful actions at present; internal attitude of the individual to the appropriate behavior in the performance of training, etc. It was shown that the achievement of the desired productivity was mainly due to the psychological readiness of the individual work tasks: setting for active and purposeful action.

Research on the problem of psychological readiness has become widespread since the mid-1980s. Areas such as management (the problem of leadership), between group and intergroup relations (the problem of sociability-destructiveness), problems of human readiness to work in new conditions, etc. were studied. AD Ganyushkin considers several levels of mental readiness for competition;

The first level is a state of complete mental readiness, in which all components of the syndrome function as a single system, adequately and reliably. The second level is a state of mental readiness, close to complete, in which any of the components of the syndrome are insufficient. The third level is a state of incomplete mental readiness, in which the deviations in the manifestation of the components of the syndrome are more significant. The fourth level is the state of mental unpreparedness. AP Sannikova in her research made an interesting attempt to summarize the results of research on the problem of personal “beginning” (professionally important personality traits).

Among the actual professional qualities, the author considers it possible to identify those that have, in her opinion, a universal nature: compliance, self-control, anxiety, emotional stability, risk-taking, and so on. Next, the researcher identifies certain properties inherent, in particular, representatives of sociological professions (psychologist, actor, teacher, etc.). At the same time, the author concludes that “… the huge number of possible combinations, variational features that stand out, makes it impossible to study the personality and its individual formation without organizing them into a multilevel structure of the professional’s personality.”

According to VA Krutetsky, readiness is a synthesis of personality traits that determine its ability to work. Among these features he singles out an active, positive attitude to activity, the ability to engage in it; a number of characterological traits and stable intellectual feelings; the presence during the activity of favorable mental states for its implementation; a certain fund of knowledge, skills, abilities in the relevant field; certain psychological features in the sensory and mental spheres that meet the requirements of this activity.

Analyzing the readiness for pedagogical work, VA Slastyonin argues that it also includes emotional stability, which provides endurance and self-endurance; professional-pedagogical thinking, ie such thinking that allows to penetrate into the causal relations of the pedagogical process, to analyze their activities, to find a scientific explanation of successes and failures, to predict the results of work.

OG Asmolov determined the place and functions of the internal installation in the structure of the subject. He developed a theory of the hierarchical nature of the installation as a mechanism for stabilizing activities. In accordance with the objective factors in the situation of activity (motives, purpose and conditions of action) and the content that opens up in the study of activity in terms of consciousness, there are four levels of institutional regulation of human activity: levels of semantic , target and operational setting and level of psychophysiological mechanisms -implers of installation in activity. At whatever level and in whatever peculiar forms the installation manifests itself, its main function is that it determines a stable, consistent, purposeful nature of the activity, acts as a mechanism for stabilizing activities, which allows to maintain the direction of action in changing situations …

ES Romanova considers readiness for professional activity on two levels:

general generalized personal readiness. “special” professional readiness and interprets this concept as a kind of synthesis of psychological phenomena and concepts at different levels of becoming a professional.

In her opinion, speaking about readiness in a foreshortening of professional training of the expert, it is necessary to consider also professional suitability of the subject of professional activity, its orientation, professional preparation, its mental states. Professional suitability involves assessing the level of development of mental functions and professional abilities, supplementing them with special knowledge and personal experience together with the development of a general system of activity regulation, the formation of value systems; allows us to talk about the preparedness of a professional; the formation of systems of motivation and management of mental state leads to the assessment of the readiness of the professional to perform a specific and professional task.

MV Levchenko is of the opinion that readiness for study and work includes two sides: psychological readiness and preparedness.

Psychological readiness includes:

a) ideological and political orientation; b) the need for certain special activities and special knowledge, interest, love for them; c) internal acceptance of activity requirements; d) awareness of compliance of their personal qualities with the requirements of the activity; e) conscious motivation of personal aspirations to this specialty.

Preparedness includes:

a) deep knowledge of science, a certain level of development; b) preparedness in a certain field of knowledge; c) awareness of professional activity, knowledge of the requirements of the specialty to personal qualities and abilities, d) the ability to learn, e) moral and psychological preparedness.

According to LV Kondrashova, professional readiness presupposes a high level of performance of professional actions, which is not possible without a certain level of formation of moral and psychological readiness of high school graduates. Without a certain level of development of moral and psychological readiness it is impossible to achieve qualitative changes in the professional readiness of a specialist, to ensure the creative performance of their professional functions and responsibilities.

Moral and psychological aspects are considered by the author in close connection. The moral side of this concept is characterized by a set of personality traits, among which an important place is occupied: citizenship, the need to work hard for the benefit of society, a sense of duty, responsibility, independence, perseverance in achieving goals and objectives, creative professional functions, psychological aspect of readiness involves awareness of the specifics of the chosen profession, and personal fitness to perform its functions, trying to best master it. In studies of readiness for a particular activity, there is necessarily a structural analysis of the activity itself.

In relation to educational and creative activities VG Andreev identified the following components “blocks” of creative abilities 123helpme.me of the student’s personality:

motivational and creative activity and personality orientation; intellectual and logical abilities of the individual; intellectual-heuristic, intuitive abilities; moral qualities that contribute to successful educational and creative activities; ability to self-management of the individual in educational and creative activity; communicative and creative abilities; aesthetic qualities of personality that contribute to educational and creative activities; individual properties that contribute to successful educational and creative activities.


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