Author: Gorlach Olga Nikolaevna Position: teacher of mathematics and drawing.

Zero article.


Categories of adjectives. Degrees of comparison of adjectives.


Quantitative, ordinal and fractional numerals.


Categories of pronouns.


Correct and incorrect verbs. Verb method. Time-species forms. Modal verbs. Verb forms (infinitive, gerund, adjective). Constructions with verb forms (complex adverb, complex subject, complex predicate).


Categories of adverbs. Degrees of comparison of adverbs.


Types of prepositions.


Types of connectors.


Simple sentences. Complex sentences. Impersonal sentences. Conditional sentences (0, I, II, III types).

Direct and indirect speech

Word formation



Grammatical categories of the noun (genus, number).


Marked articles. Unspecified articles. Neutral article Io.


Grammatical categories of adjectives (gender, number). Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Coordination of adjectives with nouns. Use of verbs ser and to be with adjectives. Indefinite adjectives.


Quantitative numerals. Ordinal numbers.


Personal pronouns. Possessive pronouns. Indicative pronouns. Indefinite affirmative pronouns. Indefinite negative pronouns. Relative pronouns. Reverse pronouns. Interrogative pronouns. Exclamatory pronouns.


Verb method (real, conditional, imperative). Creation and use of verbs of the real way (Modo Indicativo). Creation and use of conditional verbs (Modo Subjuntivo). Creation and use of verbs of the imperative mood (Modo Imperativo). Impersonal verb forms (infinitive, adjective, gerund). Constructions with impersonal verb forms. Passive state of the verb.


Formation of adverbs with a suffix -mind. Degrees of comparison of adverbs. Adverbs of time. Adverbs of place. Adverbs of mode of action. Modal adverbs. Adverb inversions.


Simple prepositions. Complex prepositions.


Conjunctions. Subordinate connectors.

Direct and indirect speech



Formation of a set of nouns. Conjugation of nouns.


Conjugation. Degrees of comparison. Substantiated adjectives.


Quantitative numerals. Ordinal numbers. Fractional numerals.


Categories of pronouns.


Auxiliary verbs. Weak and strong verbs. Modal verbs. Reverse verbs. Verb lassen. Adjective I, II. Past tense Perfekt. Past tense Präteritum. Long ago Plusquamperfekt. Future tense Futur I. The imperative mood of the verbs Imperativ. Conditional method Konjunktiv II auxiliary and modal verbs. Replacement of the conditional method Konjunktiv II with the form würde + Infinitiv. Konjunktiv II in unreal conditional subordinate clauses. Infinitive of the passive state. Passive state with modal verbs. Conditional method Konjunktiv I (indirect speech). Conditional method Konjunktiv I (indirect speech with modal verbs). Past tense forms Perfekt and Plusquamperfekt active state with modal verbs.


Degrees of comparison. Pronoun adverbs.


Prepositions from Akkusativ. Prepositions with Dativ. Prepositions from Dativ / Akkusativ. Prepositions from Genitiv.


Infinitive of active state with particle to and without to. Infinitive constructions: um … zu + Infinitive; statt … zu + Infinitive, ohne … zu + Infinitive; haben / sein + zu + Infinitive. Compound sentence. Compound sentence with double conjunctions entweder … oder, nicht nur … sondern auch, weder … noch, sowohl … als auch, bald … bald. Complex sentence. Types of complex sentences.



Grammatical categories of the noun (genus, number).


Marked articles. Unspecified articles. Partial article.


Grammatical categories of adjectives (gender, number). Possessive adjectives. Indicative adjectives. Degrees of comparison of adjectives.


Quantitative numerals. Ordinal numbers.


Personal pronouns. Accented pronouns. Interrogative pronouns. Indefinite pronouns. Indefinite pronoun he. Pronouns as direct and indirect applications. Pronouns ru and in. Relative pronouns.


Solid form. Negative form. Question form Temporal forms of the actual mode of action (Indicatif). Temporal forms of the conditional mode of action (Conditionnel). Subjonctif. Impératif. Gerund. Participle. Passive voice. Coordination of temporal forms in complex sentences.


Adverbs of frequency. Quantitative adverbs. Adverbs of mode of action. Adverbs of time. Formation of adverbs with a suffix –ment. Degrees of comparison of adverbs.


Prepositions of place. Prepositions of time.


Conjunctions. Subordinate connectors.


The program of the second block of the unified entrance exam for admission to the master’s program (external examination program for the master’s program)

Test program of general educational legal competencies

The program of the second block of the unified entrance test – the test of general educational legal competencies, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 409 of April 8, 2016.

The test of general educational legal competencies contains tasks for assessing critical, analytical and logical thinking.




Development of a lesson in the 9th grade on the stated topic, the purpose of which is to give students the concept of a section as an image, with the help of which the internal form of a detail is revealed; to acquaint students with the classification of sections; to develop spatial representation, logical thinking

General information about incisions. Simple incisions. Frontal incision

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Author: Gorlach Olga Nikolaevna Position: teacher of mathematics and drawing.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas “LESSON”

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Methodical development “Technical drawing. Interesting puzzles”▶ Methodical development of “Complicated tasks” from drawing in the 10th grade▶ Drawings in the system of rectangular projections. Views▶ Joining part of the view and part of the section. Drawing lesson for 9th grade. (Russian language)


Rating5Get a certificate

The proposed series of tasks of increased complexity is addressed to strong students. Observations have shown that they are of interest

Methodical development of “Complicated tasks” from drawing in the 10th grade

DownloadZadachy.doc(197.50 Kb)File format: .docRate the publication Article rating: 5 of 5 based on 1 ratings.

Author: Peskova Maria Mikhailovna Position: teacher.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas “LESSON”

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Methodical development “Technical drawing. Interesting puzzles”▶ General information about incisions. Simple incisions. Frontal incision▶ Drawings in the system of rectangular projections. Views


Development of a lesson in 10th grade on the stated topic in the form of a role-playing game “Design Bureau”. The purpose – to consolidate the basic concepts of the topic; to develop the ability to use their knowledge in practice; to cultivate a sense of community, mutual assistance, the ability to work collectively

Drawings in the system of rectangular projections. Drawing lesson for 10th grade

DownloadGra.doc(43.00 Kb)File format: .docRate the publication

Author: Kuznetsova Natalia Sergeevna Position: Deputy Director of NVR, teacher of labor training.

The material is posted as part of the Forum of pedagogical ideas “LESSON”

It is strictly forbidden to use this material on other Internet portals and in the media, as well as to distribute, translate, copy in any way without the written permission of the educational portal

Related links:

▶ Drawings in the system of rectangular projections. Views▶ Joining part of the view and part of the section. Drawing lesson for 9th grade. (Russian language)


Correct answers to the test of monitoring the quality of education in the Ukrainian language

Answers to the monitoring test in the Ukrainian language. 5th grade

The correct answers to the test tasks passed by the students of the 5th grade during the monitoring of the quality of education in the Ukrainian language have been published.

Monitoring the quality of education of 5th grade students. Correct answers. Ukrainian language >>> Monitoring the quality of education of 5th grade students. Correct answers. Ukrainian language (for schools with Russian as the language of instruction) >>>

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Everything for the 2017 graduate

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Preparation for external independent evaluation

All about the test in Ukrainian language and literature All about the math test All about the test on the history of Ukraine All about the biology test All about the geography test All about the chemistry test All about the physics test All about the English test All about tests in German, French, Spanish, Russian.