The Kripo has started the investigation into the fire

She is investigating the 38-year-old, who is already known to the police, for usury.

As the police announced on Monday, the elderly woman had excluded herself on Saturday and researched the number of a supposedly local locksmith with her daughter on the Internet. According to the police, the women actually ended up in Hagen: “” An employee said by telephone that he would be on site in around one and a half hours and that the costs would be around 200 to 300 euros. “”

On site, however, the man then installed an apparently used lock cylinder and presented an invoice for 637.48 euros. When the 38-year-old followed the daughter to a bank to collect the money directly, the woman called the police. She made sure of the bill, now investigating usury. The man claimed to have issued a correct invoice. According to the police, several charges are pending against him because of similar suspected cases.

According to the Criminal Code, usury is punishable by imprisonment for up to three years or a fine. In particularly serious cases, up to ten years’ imprisonment can be imposed.

In the race for the CDU federal chairmanship, Armin Laschet invoked the cohesion of the various currents in the party – and named his regional association as a model. In the federal party, “” Christian social groups, liberals, conservatives – all should pull together for our common values ​​””. The head of the NRW-CDU demanded that at the political Ash Wednesday of the state association on Wednesday in Lennestadt in front of 650 participants. The 59-year-old announced his application for the federal presidency on Tuesday and is also ready to run for chancellor.

This cooperation is ongoing in NRW, said Laschet. He hoped “” that at some point we will manage to reflect this in the federal cabinet, because it is not the case today. And we need these changes. “” His goal was: “” People’s party in all its facets, including in federal politics. “” To great applause, Laschet shouted: “” If we can do that, we’ll be the strongest party, then we’ll be the party Appoint the next chancellor – and that’s what we’re working for. “” Laschet specifically mentioned: economic policy, reducing bureaucracy, attracting investors, enforcing the law, improving educational opportunities. The CDU can only manage all of this “” if everyone is on board. “”

On April 25th there will be a vote on the successor to Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer at a special party conference. Laschet’s rivals – foreign politician Norbert Röttgen and ex-Union parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz – also come from NRW.

SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans has criticized the race for the future CDU chairmanship as a “” show of vanities “”. On the political Ash Wednesday of the NRW-SPD, he gave Laschet a bad report. He only commented on the world instead of conscientiously governing. “And what does Armin tell us: Well, if I can’t be Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, then I’ll just become Federal Chancellor”, said Walter-Borjans on Wednesday evening in Schwerte in front of around 600 participants. “Let us save Germany from this shell player and release NRW from it by 2023 at the latest,” he railed against the candidate for the CDU leadership.

With a view to the election of the FDP politician Thomas Kemmerich with votes of the AfD as Prime Minister of Thuringia, Walter-Borjans accused the CDU and FDP of a lack of reliability. “In times when the despisers of democracy are crawling out of their holes with increasing unrestrained” “unequivocal demarcation against the right-wing enemies of democracy is needed. “” The federal CDU is no longer even able to draw the conclusions from the unforgivable mistake and to arrange for new elections “”. Chancellor Angela Merkel has only been looking at her party from the outside for a long time. “” AK-Kopflos has long cost the head, “said Walter-Borjans.argumentative essay topics on sports

Laschet attacked the AfD on the political Ash Wednesday: You sit in the German Bundestag and give “” week after week your hate speech “”. “” We won’t let these guys destroy our country, “said the NRW-CDU chief. In view of right-wing terrorist acts such as the attack on the CDU politician Walter Lübcke or the alleged racist attack in Hanau, everything must be done to ensure that “” all those who provide the words “” for such acts disappear from parliaments again, said Lash. The CDU must clearly distinguish itself from the AfD and show that it will not work with them at any level and “” not even by mistake.

When turning left, a 48-year-old car driver in Lennestadt overlooked a pedestrian with a stroller who crossed the street near Grün on Wednesday. The 66-year-old pedestrian was hit and seriously injured, the police said. The stroller tipped over and the woman’s ten-month-old grandchild suffered minor injuries. Grandma and grandchild went to hospitals.

North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Armin Laschet attacked the AfD at Political Ash Wednesday: You sit in the German Bundestag and give your hate speech there “week after week”. – “” We won’t let these guys ruin our country “”, said the NRW-CDU boss that evening in Lennestadt in the Sauerland in front of around 650 participants.

In view of right-wing terrorist acts such as the attack on the CDU politician Walter Lübcke or the alleged racist attack in Hanau, everything must be done to ensure that “” all those who provide the words “” for such acts disappear from parliaments again, stressed Lash. The CDU must clearly distinguish itself from the AfD and show that it will not work with them at any level and “” not even by mistake.

The crisis-ridden CDU is facing a directional decision and a battle vote for the federal chairmanship. Laschet (59) wants to take part in a vote on April 25 as the successor to CDU Bundestag chief Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. 

The police in Lennestadt called on the video of a razor on the Internet: After several people filed a complaint about a YouTube post in which a Porsche is said to have driven through the city center at 142 km / h, is now due to participate determined a motor vehicle race.

As the “” Ruhrnachrichten “” reported, the trail leads to a well-known Youtuber. He is said to have sat in the car with another man. The Youtuber did not respond to request. It remained unclear whether the police were already investigating the man specifically. As the police announced on Friday, they are now looking for witnesses. It is still unclear when the video was made – probably between June 2nd and 19th.

While playing with a lighter, a six-year-old set fire to his family’s apartment in Lennestadt on Friday. According to the police, the boy had set fire to a bedspread in the two-family house. From the nursery, the fire spread to other rooms. The mother (33) and her three small children were able to escape unharmed outside. The Kripo has started the investigation into the fire. The apartment is uninhabitable. The investigators have not yet been able to provide any information on the amount of damage.

A car driver got into the opposite lane with his car in Schmallenberg in the Hochsauerland district and collided with the car of a 33-year-old. The woman tried in vain to swerve to the right, the police said on Saturday. Both parties involved suffered serious injuries. The 55-year-old driver was flown to the hospital in a rescue helicopter on Friday. The cause was initially unclear.

A drunk driver in Lennestadt in the Sauerland has left the scene of the accident twice without permission. The car was found in a front yard early Thursday morning, the police said. The officers found a missing license plate at another scene of the accident – there the same car had probably crashed into several dumpsters, garbage had spread on the street.

The police found the owner of the car at home. After he landed his car in the front yard, he walked there. A police spokesman said he was “very drunk.” Apparently the man had attracted attention several times this year because of drunk car rides. His driver’s license had already been taken away from him, and several criminal charges await him. His car was seized. The police initially did not provide any further information.

A six-year-old set fire to a blanket in the children’s room in Lennestadt (Olpe district) on Friday and caused a fire. The boy’s mother noticed the smoke at noon and immediately left the apartment building with her three children, the fire brigade said. When the firefighters arrived, the flames were already breaking out of a window and threatening to spread to other rooms in the apartment. Since residents did not rule out the possibility that there might be more children in the apartment on fire, the fire brigade stated that it deployed several search teams with respiratory protection.

Fortunately, there was no one left in the building. The residents of the house were looked after by the rescue service and employees of the German Red Cross. Nobody got hurt. Due to the enormous heat and the smoke from the fire, the ground floor apartment is uninhabitable after the fire. The amount of property damage was initially unclear. The family was not injured. She stayed with relatives.

A toddler died in an apartment fire in Lennestadt (Olpe district). The fire brigade discovered the boy on Sunday evening after the extinguishing work. The police did not announce on Monday morning whether the child was found dead or later succumbed to his injuries.

Emergency services had also discovered a 33-year-old man lying in front of the house on Sunday evening. According to the current state of the investigation, he jumped out of the window of his apartment, as the public prosecutor Siegen, Hagen murder commission and Olpe district police authority jointly announced. The critically injured man was flown to a hospital by helicopter. There is no new information about his condition, said a police spokesman. Information on the background of the event could still not be given.

The toddler, found lifeless in an apartment fire in Lennestadt on Sunday, is said to have been killed by his father. According to the autopsy result, the three-and-a-half-year-old boy died of the effects of violence, the police and the public prosecutor announced on Tuesday. His 33-year-old father is suspected of having killed the son and then set a fire in the apartment. He then jumped out the window, allegedly to kill himself.

The emergency services had found the man critically injured in front of the house. He was taken to a hospital by helicopter. He is still in a coma, the investigators said on Tuesday.

The child only stayed with the father for a short visit. According to the police, there are still no findings on the motive. The prosecution applied for an arrest warrant for the man.

The fire broke out on Sunday in the apartment in Lennestadt in the Olpe district. The firefighters discovered the boy doing the fire fighting.

A dog in the Sauerland probably accidentally switched on a stove and caused a fire. The police announced on Thursday. Because the animal was alone in the apartment in Lennestadt in the Olpe district at the time the fire broke out on Wednesday afternoon, the police assume that it climbed its front legs onto the stove and switched on the device. It lit food placed on it.

Residents in an apartment above noticed the smoke and alerted the fire department. The apartment was sooty in the fire and is initially uninhabitable. According to the police, damage in the five-digit range was caused to the building. Nobody got hurt. The dog is fine too.

An eight-year-old girl was seriously injured in a head-on collision in Lennestadt-Kirchveischede. His four-year-old brother and 38-year-old mother were slightly injured in the accident on Saturday afternoon on federal highway 55, the police said. A 38-year-old driver of a delivery truck got into the opposite lane in a sharp right-hand bend for an unexplained cause. He collided head-on with his mother’s car. She was able to leave the hospital with her son after outpatient treatment. The person who caused the accident was uninjured. The federal highway was completely closed for around three hours.

After extinguishing an apartment fire, the fire brigade discovered a lifeless toddler in a house in Lennestadt (Olpe district). A spokeswoman for the control center did not initially want to confirm whether the child was dead on dpa request on Sunday evening. In addition, there was a critically injured 33-year-old man in front of the house in the Grevenbrück district who, according to the current state of the investigation, jumped out of the window of his apartment, as the Siegen public prosecutor, the Hagen homicide squad and the Olpe district police authority jointly announced. The man was flown to a hospital by helicopter. Information on the background of the event could not be made, it said.

There was a serious accident on the A45 in Hessen. A woman had got out of her car after a collision with a minibus when she hit another vehicle.

A woman was killed on Monday in an accident on Autobahn 45 near Giessen. The car driver got out of her vehicle after a collision and was hit by another vehicle, said a police spokesman. Three other people were seriously injured. The accident occurred shortly after the Gießener Südkreuz in the direction of Dortmund.

Motorway closed in both directions

According to initial findings, a minibus and the woman’s vehicle collided shortly after midnight for an unexplained cause. The driver got out and was standing on the lane when another car hit her. “” The force of the impact threw the woman onto the opposite lane, where she succumbed to her injuries, “said the spokesman. The third accident vehicle then collided with the minibus.

Safety first: Secure the accident site – what you need to be aware of Disaster in Lower Saxony: Small car collides with Wolf Newsblog on Covid-19: You can find the latest developments here

The driver of the bus, his passenger and the driver of the third vehicle were seriously injured and transported to nearby hospitals. The motorway was closed in both directions for several hours.